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December 5, 2008

CAM-BABY: the baby's funny but expensive robot:-)

In fact we were personally confused with the robot's newest small product from Cube-Works this, was aimed for the adult or children. But apparently we ourselves how come liked with CAM-BABY this.

CAM-BABY anxious the boundary robot the shape of the complete baby by putting ounce the nappy that could five with aktifasi him through hands applause.

Be the same as was proper for a baby when beginning to be studying went, this robot also walked was really unstable but also was easy to fall. And when falling, CAM-BABY also cried loh!!

Useful?? Of course not but appropriate was made one of the medicine of the stress remover.

Apparently so simple saja but unfortunately his price was more unfriendly that is US$ 59,23.

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